Welcome! I am Katesha “KD” Reid


I am so excited that you are here and even more excited at where you are headed. I've journeyed through many of the same paths you find yourself on today and as a result, my life’s work is dedicated to guiding individuals—especially women who find themselves lost in the labels towards uncovering and embracing the fullness of their identity and potential.

Urmorethan…so be more!

"Urmorethan" is more than a slogan, it is a movement; it embodies a transformative journey that unfolds both within and around us. At its core, "Urmorethan" champions the conviction that every woman who aspires for greatness, who feels the stirrings of 'more' within her, not only can reach for more but indeed should. It's an affirmation that stepping beyond current confines is not just possible but profoundly enriching.

So, what does 'more than' mean to you? It's about breaking free from whatever restrains you, be it a label that doesn't fit, a belief that limits you, roles you never chose, or the perceptions others hold of you—or even the ones you hold of yourself. Embracing the 'Urmorethan' mindset is the first step; it's recognizing your vast potential. The journey continues as you craft the strategies and cultivate the environment that empowers your ascent to 'more.'

What TV mom are you?

Ever wonder which iconic TV mom mirrors your journey in knowing yourself beyond the titles of 'wife' and 'mom'? Whether you're ruling your household with a blend of sass and class, or embracing life's curveballs with laughter, let's find out who you're most akin to!

Beyond Someone’s Something

Beyond Someone's Something: A Guide to Self-Discovery for Every Woman Trapped in Labels" is a transformative journey for every mom and wife feeling overwhelmed by the roles they play.

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